Monday, October 12, 2009

Of Androids and USB

In general, I am a fan of the Android phone. (In case you couldn't tell.) But, I just spend 2 hours fighting with a myTouch3g trying to get it set up so I could use it as a debug target.

Now, in general, I suspect most people won't have this type of problem, since I am fairly sure it is the result of previously having my system configured to debug on my ADP1. But, if you happen to run in to this problem, here are some things that might help.

1. Download USBDeview from .
2. Unplug your phone from the computer.
3. Run USBDeview, find everything listed as an Android device, and uninstall it.
4. In the Android SDK, run "adb kill-server"
5. Make sure your phone is configured for development, and plug it back in.

This should cause Windows to find it again as if it had never been plugged in. It should give you the option of installing the ADB driver from the latest version of the SDK.

Once I had done this, the phone didn't immediately show up. To fix that, I left the phone connected, and toggled the development checkbox. After that, it showed up and I could use it.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect--thank you so much for this! Had the exact same problem with my G1, and it looks like it required the exact same solution.
